Our services.

  • One to One Support

    I offer 1:1 support for small businesses who are looking to start or grow their online business. I am reasonably priced and can tailor my content to suit your plans. If you want to know more about the topics I cover then why not contact me for a 15 minute discovery call. Check out my LinkedIn details and email address on the Contact Us section.

  • Courses

    I write and deliver various small business training courses aimed at the start up and growth of ECommerce strategies. Market research, product page creation, selling on website and marketplaces, digital marketing, fulfilment strategies, customer service, accounts, administration, reporting and analytics.

    Attending Selling Online Programme with SOSE? View resources →

  • Writing and Speaker Events

    I regularly write articles, give talks and deliver webinars about ECommerce topics. I can also expand my content into more general topics such as small businesses, rural businesses and women in business. These can be of a professional nature and based on learning outcomes - or they can be a little more light hearted!